Mental Health with COVID-19 & NAMIWalks Your Way San Diego County: A Virtual Event

The Importance of Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month; and now more than ever, there is a great need for mental health awareness and support. The ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic are far-reaching. Mental health conditions, such as suicide, depression, PTSD, and substance abuse are being considered the second wave of the pandemic. We can’t ignore the mental health impacts of the current health crisis.

NAMI San Diego Resources

NAMI San Diego is an organization offering mental health education and resources free to the public. They have compiled several COVID-19 related resources on their website. Check our their resources, including online free support groups at

NAMIWalks Your Way San Diego County: A Virtual Event

One way to help raise awareness and support the efforts of NAMI San Diego is to donate or participate in NAMIWalks Your Way San Diego County: A Virtual Event. My family and I will be doing a 5k My Way this Saturday, May 30th, 2020. I invite others to fundraise and join the event to help raise awareness and funding to provide mental health treatment for all.

What it’s Like to Be a Working Mom Dealing With the COVID-19 Health Crisis

What it’s Like to Be a Working Mom
Dealing With the COVID-19 Health Crisis
by Dr. Rebecca Kenyon

Psychologist & Marriage and Family Therapist
in San Diego, CA 92130
Helping moms and couples calm the chaos
& make peace in partnering

In early March you were already hanging on by a string, but you were doing your best to balance expectations from your kids, their activities, and work.  Let’s not forget your romantic and social life too→when you had the energy. 

Then came mid-March, when you were forced to balance work and home at a whole new level. You were expected to create structure and learning opportunities for your kids; all while trying to adjust and meet work expectations in a brand new manner.  Plus you had to give up date nights, moms night out, and group exercise.  All those things that previously kept you sane when you were on the verge of a meltdown.  

Fast forward to April and the world became even scarier.  Plus many outdoor stress relievers like hikes, the beach, and parks; which allowed your family to get out some of the energy and anxiety, were stripped away.

Connection with extended family was reduced to occasional video chats, all while fears about the health of your parents also ramped up as COVID-19 has taken the lives of many seniors.  The very time you wanted to hug your parents the most, is the very time that you risk their lives if you choose to do so. 

Now we're deep into May, and the emotional impact is weighing heavy on you.  Your children are getting more restless, the losses are piling on, and you realize that this isn’t going to end as quickly as you had hoped. The future is unknown and the recovery from this crisis will be far-reaching

You Are Doing the Best You Can

With all that you’re dealing with, know that you’re doing the best you can under unprecedented conditions.  Moms are carrying a lot of the emotional burdens right now, and you can’t expect yourself to function at the same level you did pre-COVID-19.

When being a mom, wife, employee, and teacher are happening all at once, remember to have realistic expectations of yourself.  Perfection is impossible.  When you feel like anxiety, guilt, and fear are getting in the way, remember there is hope and there are ways to cope.

Ways to Cope during COVID-19

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists some ideas for coping with stress and anxiety at this difficult time: (

I Can Help

If you need further support in coping, I’m here.  As someone who relates to being a working mom during the COVID-19 pandemic, I can help. I have extensive experience with telehealth; and I’m offering telemental health sessions using a highly secure and encrypted video platform. Give me a call at 1-858-229-3420 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

Mother’s Day During the COVID-19 Crisis by Dr. Rebecca Kenyon

Mother’s Day During the COVID-19 Crisis

by Dr. Rebecca Kenyon 

Psychologist & Marriage and Family Therapist in
San Diego, CA 92130
Helping moms and couples calm the chaos
& make peace in partnering

As a mom, you’ve been on an emotional roller coaster ride since the COVID-19 health crisis all began.  Initially you may have felt fear and panic of the unknown.  When your family was forced to cancel all activities, travel, and events; there was a sense of loss.  However, that loss came with some moments of appreciation for the slower pace of life, and more time spent as a family.  

As the health crisis continues and uncertainty drags on, the losses are multiplying and it’s greatly impacting you and your family.  Lately you’re experiencing a lot of anxiety about how to sustain this emotional turmoil.  

As the meltdowns alternate between you and your kids; and sometimes everyone at once, you begin to fear that this increased family time is being filled more with chaos, discontent, and guilt; than the connection you had imagined.  

You wonder what will your kids remember most after all of this subsides.  Will it be the moments of yelling and screaming, the battles about doing schoolwork, or will some memories of family movie nights and playing games together linger on? 

The Many Hats You Wear

You are trying hard to manage the overwhelm of expanding the many roles you already play (mom, wife, daughter, employee) to now include teacher.  With all these roles, you have a lot of expectations placed upon you.  Not fulfilling those expectations often leads to guilt. Take a moment to honor that you’re doing the best you can.  As a mom you may not be the very best version of yourself at all times; but that’s alright.  Your kids will still love you even if you feel you’re far from perfect.

Celebrating Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day approaching, you may be reflecting more on who you are as a mom and what this day in quarantine will bring.  Will it be the connection or the chaos? How will you cope?

There are ways you can still make this day special.  You can video chat with your mom, while you have brunch at home.  You can have a screen-free afternoon with family board games, or walk through the neighborhood looking for flowers.  Or maybe you’d prefer some alone time while taking a bubble bath and reading a good book. However you choose to celebrate, the most important part of going into it is your mindset. If your mind is filled with chaos, chaos will ensue.  If you feel calm, your family will feel that too. 

Coping with COVID-19 through Mindfulness Meditation

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends meditation as one of the ways of coping with the current crisis. I invite you to listen to this free MINDFULNESS MEDITATION FOR MOMS DURING COVID-19 and take a moment to calm the chaos. After nurturing so many others at an even more intense level right now, you deserve a moment of peace. Share this mindfulness meditation with a mom who could benefit from it.  

I Can Help

If you or a mom you know needs further support, I’m here and I can help.  I’m available to support you from the comfort and safety of your own home.  I’m experienced with telehealth; and I’m offering telemental health sessions using a highly secure and encrypted video platform. Give me a call at 1-858-229-3420 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation May your Mother’s Day be memorable.